Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Oh! The People You Meet

As you travel on your path through life you come across many different people. Some of these people may be friends, co-workers, and even professors. No matter you who meet or how long you may know them. Everyone you come in contact with has some kind of affect on your life. Some more then others, and sometimes you meet someone who has a total impact on the course your life takes.

When I made my first steps onto this college campus I had these first thoughts come to mind, “what the hell am I doing here.” I really had no idea what I was doing, who I was, where I was going and most of all, what major would I make a career out of. As all freshmen do, you make your way from class to class and you begin to take more interest in one then in other. You begin to develop and sense of what your cable of and where you fit the best. For me, it took me awhile to come across Broadcasting but I did. Now in my fifth year I have not looked back. But I did not get here by accident, thanks to the long talks and advice from Dr. Rhoads.

I came in listed as a political science major and Dr. Rhoads was my first adviser. It only took me a few weeks to realize that political science was not for me. So in a search to find a new major I spent many hours in Dr. Rhoads office. Now I can’t pint point one thing that he said that stood out the most. Just that he always had a way of telling me what I wanted to hear and more importantly what I needed to hear.

Sometimes I felt bad that I spent so much time in his office; whether I needed to add drop a class or to just get his opinion on something. Never once did Dr. Rhoads ever turn me down, but was always there to at lest listen.

After my first two years I was finding my footing and finally declared Broadcasting as my major. With that change would come a new adviser in Dr. “B” and no more Dr. Rhoads. To him, he probably thinks and didn’t have much of an influence on me but he did. Sometimes it’s the small things that people say to you that have the most impact. So with all this said, thanks Dr. Rhoads for helping find my way.

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